Sunday, June 24, 2007

so small

In the Park

Super sharp pictures by Jonathan... :-)


Joa and Nijntje ('Miffy')

With many thanks to Ursula

Joa and his new mobile

With thanks to Tomas, Eva, Saskia and Beatrice

Joa's first chair

Joa enjoying his new chair, which he can rock a little himself...

Bath with Daddy and Grandma

Visit from Luana and Ieda

Sunday, June 17, 2007

June 17th, Father's Day

Mummy and Joa collaborated to make two tiny blue foot prints for daddy... (ruining one outfit in the process :-)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

June 10, Joa's first museum visit

Jack and Joa in the Amsterdam Museum of Modern Art (SMCS)
Joa loved the rooms with Paul Chan's light and shadow projections .... quiet and dark - ideal for napping. ;-)

Lazy morning

Mama was sick for a week ( a nasty breast infection) but is now thankfully starting to recover...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

June 6, pregnancy class reunion

proud mums with 8 healthy babies